ISTQB® and IREB® are forming an Alliance
Brussels, December 1, 2020
ISTQB® and IREB® have established SEBA alignment between their respective Glossaries The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB®) and the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB®) have allied to further promote the Requirements Engineering and Software Testing professions together
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The IREB® and the ISTQB® qualification schemes are closely related and each organization supports the qualification of professionals in their respective subject domains based on the current state of practice.
With both certification programs recognized throughout the world, many software quality professionals already obtain both the IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) and the ISTQB® Certified Tester (CT-FL) training and certifications. Hence, by aligning the terminology taught in the two qualification schemes, professionals will gain a consistent view of testing and requirements engineering.
The first joint project between ISTQB® and IREB® has been to establish alignment between their respective Glossaries - the list of terms and definitions used to underpin their subject domains.
ISTQB® and IREB® have successfully reviewed their Glossaries and aligned the terms that are used in each, and IREB® and ISTQB® are pleased to announce the publication of these newly aligned Glossary releases dated October 2020: the CPRE Glossary version 2.0 and the ISTQB® Glossary version 3.5.
“Together with IREB®, we have identified an overlap of 75 terms used in both Glossaries. To our great satisfaction, many of them were already consistent. At ISTQB®, we have adjusted the definitions of 6 quality terms, and removed 19 requirements engineering terms from our Glossary, referencing the IREB® Glossary instead. These changes are now implemented in English, other supported languages will follow soon.” – said ISTQB® Glossary Working Group Chair Matthias Hamburg.
“This alliance is of strategic importance for us because it supports professional excellence. I thank the joint team for the successful work in aligning the terminology. We are committed to further strengthen the compatibility of the two qualification schemes.” – said ISTQB® President Olivier Denoo.
“We are happy to have reached this important milestone in an excellent cooperation. The new CPRE Foundation training will be based on our new Glossary v2.0. But time does not stand still. We will keep in touch to maintain and improve compatibility.” – said IREB® Council Chair Prof. Dr. Martin Glinz.
Media Contact:
Sebastian Małyska, ISTQB® Marketing Working Group Chair,
Stefan Sturm, IREB Gmbh Managing Director,
About IREB®
The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB®) has joined forces with the vision to create an international and professional basis for Requirements Engineering, to give this discipline the importance and the orientation that corresponds to its added value for the industry.
IREB® is the developer and the holder of the CPRE® (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering) certification scheme. The board was created in 2006 by leading RE representatives, from science, research, industry, and consulting, and today it is a worldwide renowned body of experts for the individual certification of professionals in requirements engineering.
In their effort to establish the CPRE® certification scheme internationally, IREB is highly successful. Today, over 70,000 exams have been performed, and almost 55,000 professionals have obtained the CPRE Foundation Level certificate in over 80 countries.
For more information about IREB®, their activities, and the certification model, see
Read the Press Release for more information.
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